What causes a fat belly?
People develop belly fat for a variety of causes, including poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and stress. Improving one's diet, increasing physical activity, and changing one's lifestyle can all assist. The term "belly fat" refers to the fat that surrounds the abdomen.
Belly Fat Defined
Excess abdominal fat surrounds the organs in your stomach and is known as belly fat. Triglycerides (fat that circulates in your blood), subcutaneous fat (the layer just beneath the skin's surface), and visceral fat are the three forms of fat (dangerous belly fat). When you have too much visceral fat, it sits underneath the muscles in your stomach and offers a number of health risks.
What does belly fat do to your body?
Belly fat doesn't simply sit there; it may cause problems for nearly every organ in your body by producing too many hormones and chemicals. Having too much visceral fat puts you at risk for a variety of additional health problems, including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.
How do you know if you have too much belly fat?
Measuring yourself at home is a simple method to see whether you have too much tummy fat. Wrap a measuring tape around your naked tummy, right above the hip bone. It's important that the tape be snug but not too tight. Women with a waist circumference of 35 inches or greater have an unhealthy quantity of belly fat. A measurement of 40 inches or greater in men is considered unhealthy.
Is Belly fat harmful?
Belly fat is more harmful than other types of fat. The problem with belly fat is that it doesn't stop at the additional layer of cushioning beneath the skin (subcutaneous fat). Visceral fat, which is found deep within your belly and surrounds your internal organs, is also included.
Having a lot of belly fat, regardless of your overall weight, raises your risk of:
· Cardiovascular disease
· Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
· Colorectal cancer
· Sleep apnea
· Premature death from any cause
· High blood pressure
Is Age and genetics contribute to gaining belly fat ?
Growing older also has an impact. Muscle loss occurs as people age, especially if they are not physically active. Loss of muscle mass slows down the rate at which your body burns calories, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Due to muscle loss, men in their 50s require roughly 200 fewer calories per day than men in their 30s, according to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Is Alcohol's and beer contribute in belly fat?
Excessive alcohol consumption can result in a beer belly, but beer alone isn't to blame. Because alcohol includes calories, excessive use of any type of alcohol can lead to an increase in belly fat. If you must consume alcohol, do it in moderation.
Moderation is up to two drinks per day for males aged 65 and younger. It means up to one drink each day for men over the age of 65. You will consume less calories and be less prone to acquire belly fat if you drink less.
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