High Protein Foods | food help to lose weight | 20 Delicious High Protein Foods

20 Delicious High Protein Foods


         Protein is the fundamental component of organs, muscles, skin, and hormones. Protein is required by the body to sustain and repair tissues. Children, on the other hand, require it for their development.

Protein can also help you reduce weight and belly fat while improving muscle growth and strength, according to studies. High-protein diet may help to reduce blood pressure, combat diabetes, and more. Protein is divided into 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men in the Reference Daily Intake (RDI). Many health and fitness experts, however, think that you need more than that to perform at your best.

Here's a list of 20 great rich protein meals to try.



        Whole eggs are one of the healthiest and nutrient-dense foods on the market. They're a great source of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, antioxidants that protect your eyes, and brain nourishment. Egg whites are virtually pure protein, although whole eggs are rich in protein. Egg and egg-containing meals are not suited for those who are allergic to eggs. A full egg has 33% of its calories from protein. 6 grams of protein and 78 calories in one big egg.

2. Almonds:-

        Almonds are a common tree nut kind.  They're high in fibre, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium, among other minerals.

Almonds are not appropriate for those who are allergic to nuts.  Protein accounts for 15% of total calories. Per ounce (28 grams), there are 6 grams and 164 calories .

Pistachios (13 %of calories) and cashews are two other high-protein nuts (11 % of calories).

3. Chicken breast:-      

        One of the most popular protein-rich foods is chicken breast.

If you eat it without the skin, protein provides the majority of the calories. Chicken breast is also a versatile and easy-to-cook meat. It may be used in a variety of recipes and tastes great.

75 % of calories are made up of protein. A 53-gram roasted chicken breast with no skin contains just 284 calories.

4. Oats:-

        Oats are one of the healthiest grains on the market.

They include beneficial fibres, magnesium, manganese, thiamine (vitamin B1), and a variety of other minerals. 14 %of calories are made up of protein. Oats include 11 grams of protein and 307 calories per cup.

5. Cottage cheese:-

        Cottage cheese is a low-fat, low-calorie kind of cheese.

Calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and other minerals are abundant in it.69 % of calories are made up of protein. 28 grams of protein and 163 calories are found in one cup (226 grams) of low fat cottage cheese with 1% fat.

Other high-protein cheeses are Parmesan (38 % calories), Swiss (30 %), mozzarella (29 %), and cheddar (29 %) (26 % ).

6. Greek yogurt:-

        Greek yoghurt, often known as strained yoghurt, is a thicker version of regular yoghurt. It goes nicely with both sweet and savoury foods. It has a creamy texture and is packed with vitamins and minerals. 69 % of calories are made up of protein. 17 grams of protein and only 100 calories in a 6-ounce (170-gram) container (9Trusted Source).

If you're buying Greek yoghurt, look for one that doesn't have any added sugar. Full-fat Greek yoghurt has a higher protein content, but it also has more calories. that are similar : Kefir and regular full fat yoghurt (both 24 % calories) (40 % ).


7. Milk:-

        Milk includes a little amount of almost every vitamin your body requires.

It's high in calcium, phosphorus, and riboflavin, and it's a fantastic source of high-quality protein (vitamin B2). Low or zero fat milk is an alternative if you're concerned about your fat consumption.

Milk consumption can cause gastrointestinal problems in those who are lactose intolerant. People who have a milk allergy might also have significant symptoms, therefore dairy milk isn't a good option for them. Soy milk is an option for individuals who want to drink milk but can't stomach it or follow a strictly plant-based diet.

8. Broccoli:-

        Broccoli is a nutritious vegetable that contains vitamins C and K, as well as fibre and potassium. It also contains bioactive elements that may aid in cancer prevention. When compared to most vegetables, it has a high protein content.

33 % of calories are made up of protein. 3 % of protein and 31 calories per cup (96 grams) of chopped broccoli


9.Lean beef

        Lean beef has a lot of protein, as well as highly accessible iron, vitamin B12, and other essential minerals. Protein accounts for 53% of total calories. Lean sirloin steak has 25 grammes of protein and 186 calories per 3-ounce (85-gram) portion. Beef is a good choice for those who are following a low-carb diet.


10. Tuna

        Tuna is a very popular fish. It may be served hot or cold in a variety of baked dishes and salads. It has a low fat and calorie content but is high in protein. Tuna, like other fish, is high in omega-3 fats and provides a variety of nutrients. Tuna canned in water has 84 % of its calories as protein. There are 27 grams of protein in one can (142 grams) and just 128 calories.


11. Quinoa:-

        Quinoa is a popular pseudo-cereal that is regarded as a superfood by many. Vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants abound. Quinoa offers a long list of health advantages. Protein accounts for 15% of total calories. Cooked quinoa provides 8 grams of protein and 222 calories per cup (185 grams).

12. Whey protein supplements:-

        When you're short on time and don't have access to a kitchen, a protein supplement can help. Whey protein is a high-quality protein derived from dairy products that can aid in muscle mass development. It could also help you lose weight. There is a huge selection of whey protein supplements accessible online if you want to give them a try.

13. Lentils:-

        Legumes, such as lentils, are a kind of legume. Fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron, folate, copper, manganese, and a variety of other nutrients are abundant in them. Lentils are one of the greatest plant-based protein sources on the planet, and they're a great option for vegetarians and vegans. Protein accounts for 31% of total calories. 18 grams and 230 calories are included in one cup (198 grams) of cooked lentils.

14. The bread of Ezekiel:-

        Most other breads are not like Ezekiel bread. Millet, barley, spelt, wheat, soybeans, and lentils are among the organic and sprouted whole grains and legumes used. Ezekiel bread is abundant in protein, fibre, and other essential elements when compared to conventional breads. 20 % of calories are made up of protein. A single slice has 4 grams of fat and 80 calories.



15. Pumpkin Seeds:-

        Pumpkin seeds are edible seeds found in pumpkins. Many nutrients, such as iron, magnesium, and zinc, are abundant in them. 2 % of calories are made up of protein. 9 grams of protein and 158 calories per ounce (28 grams).

16. Breast of turkey:-

        In many respects, turkey breast is comparable to chicken breast. It's mainly protein, with a small amount of fat and calories. It also tastes great and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.

82 % of calories are made up of protein. There are 26 grams and 125 calories in one 3-ounce  (85-gram) serving.


17.Fish (all types)

        Fish is beneficial for a variety of reasons. It's a good source of important nutrients. Some kinds are strong in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart. Protein content varies greatly. Salmon has 22% protein, 19 grams per 3-ounce (85-gram) meal, and just 175 calories.



        Seafood, such as shrimp, is a type of food. It has a low calorie count but is strong in minerals like selenium and vitamin B12. Shrimp, like fish, contains omega-3 fatty acids. 97 % of calories come from protein. A 3-ounce (85-gram) serving has only 20 calories and 20 grams of protein.


19.Brussels sprouts:-

        Brussels sprouts, like broccoli, are a high-protein vegetable. Fiber, vitamin C, and other nutrients are abundant in them. Protein accounts for 28% of total calories. Two grams of protein and 28 calories are found in one-half cup (78 grams).

20. Peanuts:-

        Protein, fibre, and magnesium are all abundant in peanuts. They have been shown in studies to aid weight loss. Peanut butter has a lot of protein, but it also has a lot of calories. As a result, you should consume it in moderation. Peanuts are inedible to those who are allergic to nuts. 18% of calories are made up of protein. 7 grams and 161 calories are found in one ounce (28 grams).

The bottom line.

        Protein is required for the maintenance and repair of bodily tissue. It may also aid in weight loss. Protein may be found in a wide range of foods. Vegans and vegetarians can benefit from plant-based meals such as lentils.

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